2020 Famille Dutraive Chenas Les Perelles
2 in stock
Thanks to Jean-Louis’s inextinguishable spirit and a large network of friends throughout France, the negotiant known as Famille Dutraive was born. The fouresome — Jean-Louis and his children Ophélie, Justin and Lucas — are committed to sourcing organically-farmed fruit, which is still rare in Beaujolais (only 4% of the region is organic). Family practices are carried through in the cellar with traditional Beaujolaise vinification (carbonic maceration), natural yeast fermentation, and little to no sulfur used in vinification (with just a touch at the blend before bottling). Despite the fact that none of these wines come from Dutraive terroirs, the family manages to craft a lineup that fits the Dutraive profile: fresh-fruited, energetic and soulful wines that bring pure joy with every sip